We wanted to give you a real-life example of how our process works. We hope that readers in Washakie County, Wyoming, will reach out to us for a Wildfire Mitigation Plan BEFORE they have a fire or before one gets close enough to be a danger to life or property. Click here for information or to complete or request an application.
On March 22, 2019, at 3:00 pm, the Worland Fire Department and surrounding area firefighters were called to a fire five miles south of Worland on U.S. Highway 20 for a report of a fire ignited by fireworks.

March 22, 2019. wildfire at Study property in dense Russian olive, cottonwood, shrubs, and cured grasses.
The fire burned through approximately five acres of dense fuels and threatened structures in the area. Crews worked well into the evening to contain the fire. Thanks to their efforts, there were no reported injuries reported and no structures damaged.

March 22, 2019, Study fire; image 3. Home is in center background.

March 22, 2019, Study fire; image 1.
Fire Chief and County Fire Warden Chris Kocher told the homeowner, Doug Study, about the Firesmart program. Soon after, Mr. Study contacted the Firesmart Coordinator and submitted an application for a Wildfire Mitigation Plan and cost-share assistance to complete a defensible space and fuels reduction project on his property.

March 22, 2019, Study fire. Drone image of wildfire extent. Study home in upper left of photo.
After approval of the cost share applications by Firesmart Coordinator and Wyoming State Forestry Division Forester, Mr. Study hired a fuels reduction contractor to do the work. Mr. Study contributed in-kind labor and equipment.
The project was completed in February 2020. Below are before and after pictures of both the area around the home and the property.

Before photo of Study home. TFS Photo. November 2019.

After photo of Study home. TFS photo. January 2020.

Before photo of the Study WMP fuels reduction project. TFS photo. September 26, 2019.

After photo of the Study WMP fuels reduction project. Piles will be burned and forest products utilized at a later date. TFS photo. January 2020.
We are currently looking for landowners in Washakie County who want to complete Wildfire Mitigation Plans and projects. Right now, we’re scheduling in-person visits beginning in June, after we hope many restrictions on travel and non-essential work are lifted.
If you would like to find out how the Firesmart program can help you and your property, just fill out a WMP application or request an application here.